
Showing posts from May, 2021

crude, wolfskull and consolidated fuzz lodge maori review

How to appear less creepy? Strip. Strip half naked. Didn't take it far enough. Who's the bigger psycho? Its autumn and the lodge maori hosted a show. Was a miracle to see folks arrive. Consolidated Fuzz is a new assemblage of guitar warriors, pinger. Jacko, how can I appear less creepy? Is your mission to appear creepy ? If so, thats already a problem . Don't take your clothes off. Ever. Dont change. Don't wash. Sleep in your clothes. Cluster A. Consolidated Fuzz were first up, glistening, like pvc piping, my liege. Age and ageing, ageing gracefully, staying relevant, sourcing the timelessness of certain genres - for instance psychedelic punk (whaaaa?) and there was an illuminati present. keep it relevant. keep it reverent. reverence is to be your entire stance from now unto eternity. the wide eyed boy greeted the war hero reverently.  Phallocentricism , thou art music. Music and musicians, devils and demons all. I am looking for an out. Cant do anything anymore. Just l