pet shop box Simon Nunn bedlam

My first mobile blog. Upward? But ho! Walked out to BEDLAM venue in Woolston to catch up with the Andrew o'Connell phenomenon.  Really pleasant evening and met some great chch locals. So bedlam is a Thursday night doo-dad that kicks off 5:45, an after work crowd enticer. BYO. A bonfire. Vehicles. Van's. What ho!  Simon Nunn christianed the night with a sublime set of hymns! Come all ye faithful was a personal highlight. Delicate yet transformational. Such liturgical plainchant warmed the cockles. To be at such an intimate venue was so pleasing post lockdown- so good just to see people. People. Actual people. My hermit days may be numbered. Nunn is a troubadour. Next O'Connell titillated with his off the wall 'centre left' comedy (as he called it). Obscure, small-bizz owner cynicism and laconic free range jocularity. A touch of mouldy breaded conspiracy, 'woke Hitler' a jab at the extremely sensitive hyperinfrastructure of our current slew of enlightened youth.  The highlight ---Pet Shop-ox. Cooley crafted glittering electro-pop featuring Simon Nunn on guitar and deftly melodic backing tracks and ox delivering his arcane lyrics. Really polished and super fun. Their press kit features some gorgeous photos. seek em out! 
I imbibed booze as usual, started the old headscarf as psychic defense routine. These are tough times for all - freaks like me especially. 


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